Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wasting Money / Ours & Theirs

One of the things Jamaicans do so well is waste money.
Successive Governments waste tax payers money until
it's used up, then turn to find some foreign nation or
agency and waste their money.

Anything in Jamaica that actually has value has
cost five or ten times it's actual value.

The Jamaican Government rents premises for its Ministries
Agencies, Commissions, etc. at 3x when a private entity
would pay.

Instead of building one massive set of Governmental offices
where utilities can be shared as well as equipment,
Governmental entities are scattered about the landscape
each paying rent to some private body.

The costs of running the Government are not salaries or
materials, most are rental costs.

Besides wasting tax payers money, and loans, and whatever
other sums accrue, the Jamaican Government knows how to
get foreign companies to waste money.

Right now, the Harbour View Bridge is a monument to
this kind of scheme.

Huge pilings are pounded into the River Bed, a road
is widened at great expense.

Anyone who knows the Terrain knows this is pretty stupid.

The Road from Saint Thomas is narrow. It goes through areas
of tight bends and runs just above the sea in some parts.
For this narrow road to suddenly empty into a four lane
Highway is going to cause unbelievable traffic jams.

Where up until Gustav traffic flowed fairly smoothly, the
only jams since 2008 being limited, as soon as the High Way
is opened, those four lanes squeezed to two will have traffic
backed up for miles.

There will be pile ups similar to those on the New Jersey
turnpike where a 17 car pile up is no biggie.

Widening a few chains of a major artery will cause
amazing dislocation.

But I suppose, there's some other money wasting scheme
to be implemented subsequent.

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