Saturday, August 7, 2010


It seems that everything in Jamaica has gotten worse.
No matter which corner you look in, what was in 1980
is so superior to what exists today.

I recall reading history about the late 1800s and
how many children and grand children of slaves
owned this or ran that business, and lived at such
a standard that person like Marcus Garvey could
attend no more than an all age school yet go on
to be quite brilliant.

Today, most people prefer to live off of others,
whether the males are supported by mothers, wives
or daughters, or the females have a constant stream
of men paying their bills, the idea of being
independent is considered unsavoury.

The few people who stand on their own feet do not
have anyone to lean on. They either stand or
lie on the sidewalk.

And things will get worse when the Gov. gets rid
of more Civ. Ser. jobs. For the JLP has so
bankrupted the country with various questionable
expenses, it needs every cent it can get.

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